Stock Take


MIC takes accountability from the planning and managing to the final execution of the stock take. MIC will schedule stores over a specific count period as requested by the client. This provides the client and MIC with efficient usage of resources and always allows for flexibility for contingencies.

MIC has a sophisticated centralised scheduling platform that all MIC divisions and management use, and is accessible to our clients to see a view of all their stores that have been scheduled for the next count period.

Store Plan


Documenting a detailed layout of the facility to count, and the reconciliation thereof (with our own stock count system), gives an audit trail of what and where it was counted, thus ensuring control of the completeness of the count.


MIC provides several count methods (either bulk counts or scan unit and capture quantity or scan each and every unit’s barcode), ensuring a high level of accuracy.


If you would like MIC to assist your company with stock taking its facilities, please get in touch with us.